小y ?
美式漫画史+美国现代简史 美漫是如何生根于大萧条时期,从小道报摊文化开始起步,经历了二战越战冷战毒战审查911,还参与推动女权民权LGBT运动,香香腐宅最后竟发展成为当代流行文化的? ps:Superman75周年短片(感谢Jerry Siegel和Joe Shuster) http://youtu.be/ebXB0lBoaQ0
「He was never an asshole. He was actually really cool to me. And he could have ratted me out, like, a thousand times, and he never did. Me and him used to do all kinds of fun shit together, and the truth is, I wanted to be just like him. I loved him more than anything. And I was too fucked up to say good-bye. And in the end, that's all I ever gave him, was nothing. Do you know how that feels to have your one shot and fuckin' just blow it? It's gone. I'll never get that chance again. I just miss him so much.」「I wanted him to call for me. Is that such a terrible thing? → I call for you. I call for you every day.」